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14.4 kD單條蛋白Marker

14.4 kD單條蛋白Marker



價格 ¥150

14.4 kD單條蛋白Marker





14.4 kD單條蛋白Marker

50 mg







14.4 kD單條蛋白Marker粉末

50 mg




1 ml





   本產品包含一種已知分子量的標準蛋白質,分子量大小為14.4 kD,可以用來判斷 SDS-PAGE未知蛋白的分子量。14.4KD單條蛋白Marker 以干粉狀態(tài)提供。以每次上樣10 μl(2 μg)計算,本產品可以使用約25000次。


1 配制10 mg/ml 14.4 kD蛋白Marker母液:

稱取10 mg 粉末溶于1 ml超純水中。此溶液-20貯存。

2 按照下表配制Marker溶液



14.4 kD母液(10mg/ml)



1 M DTT(可選)

50 μl

0.2 μg/μl

1 μl

39 μl

10 μl

2.5 μl

100 μl

0.2 μg/μl

2 μl

78 μl

20 μl

5 μl


2.1  取配制好的溶液徹底混勻后,95處理5分鐘立即上樣電泳,每次上樣10μl。

2.2  電泳結束后,染色,觀察結果。

3 實驗示例:


1. [2021 IF=5.5] Garviecin LG34, a novel bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus garvieaeisolated from traditional Chinese fermented cucumber.

Author: Yurong Gao, Dapeng Li, Shan Liu, Liyuan Zhang

Marker: RTD6110,彩虹超低分子量蛋白Marker(1.2-45 kD)

Journal: Food Control 50 (2015) 896e900

Institution:Key Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine of Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University

Paper linkhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2014.10.040


2. [2021 IF=5.5] Purification and partial characterization of M1-UVs300, a novel bacteriocin produced by   isolated from fermented sausage Lactobacillus plantarum.

Author: Yu An, Ying Wang, Xiaoyue Liang, Huaxi Yi, Zhaohang Zuo, Xiaoxi Xu, Dongjie

Zhang, Changqing Yu, Xue Han

Marker: RTD6110,彩虹超低分子量蛋白Marker(1.2-45 kD)

Journal: Food Control  Volume 81, November 2017, Pages 211-217

Institution:Key Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine of Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University

Paper linkhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2017.05.030


3. [2021 IF=5.75] The Verticillium dahliae SnodProt1-Like Protein VdCP1 Contributes to Virulence and Triggers the Plant Immune System.

Author: Yi Zhang, Yuhan Gao, Yingbo Liang, Yijie Dong, Xiufen Yang, Jingjing Yuan and Dewen Qiu

Marker: RTD6110,彩虹超低分子量蛋白Marker(1.2-45 kD)

Journal: Frontiers in Plant Science.  Volume 81, November 2017, Pages 211-217

InstitutionInstitute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Paper linkhttps://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/ery351


4. [2021 IF=2.99] Purifcation, characterization, and action mechanism of plantaricin DL3, a novel bacteriocin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa produced by Lactobacillus plantarum DL3 from Chinese Suan Tsai.

Author: Xinran Lv,  Yang Lin ,Yu Jie, Mengtong Sun, Bolin Zhang,Fengling Bai,Hongfei Zhao,Jianrong Li

Marker: RTD6127,超低分子量蛋白Marker IV(3.3-45 kD)

Journal: European Food Research and Technology. Vol 244, pages 323–331 (2018)

InstitutionCollege of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Beijing Forestry University

Paper linkhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00217-017-2958-3


5. [2021 IF=6.99] Verticillium dahliae Alt a 1-like protein PevD1 targets cotton PR5-like protein and contributes to fungal infection.

Author: Yi Zhang, Yuhan Gao, Yingbo Liang, Yijie Dong, Xiufen Yang, Dewen Qiu

Marker: RTD6110,彩虹超低分子量蛋白Marker (1.2-45 kD)

Journal: Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol 70, Issue 2, 15 January 2019,613-626

InstitutionInstitute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Paper linkhttps://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/ery351


6. [2021 IF=11.277] An  Alternative  Splicing  Variant  of  PtRD26  Delays  Leaf  Senescence by Regulating Multiple NAC Transcription Factors in Populus.

Author: Hou-Ling Wang,Yi Zhang,Ting Wang, Qi Yang,Yanli Yang,Ze Li, Bosheng Li, Xing Wen, Wenyang Li, Weilun Yin, Xinli Xia, Hongwei Guo, and Zhonghai Li

Marker: RTD6110,彩虹預染超低分子量蛋白(1.2-45 kD)

Journal: Plant Cell. Volume 33, Issue 5, May 2021, Pages 1594–1614

InstitutionBeijing Advanced Innovation Center for Tree Breeding by Molecular Design, Beijing Forestry University

Paper linkhttps://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koab046


7. [2021 IF=2.89] Rapid and sensitive detection ofStaphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumonia based on bacitracin-modified Fe3O4@PDA magnetic beads combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry.

Author: Feng Qin, Shujuan Wang, Mingxia Gao  and  Xiangmin Zhang

Marker: RTD6110,彩虹預染超低分子量蛋白(1.2-45 kD)

Journal: Analytical Methods. 2021,13, 2804-2811

InstitutionDepartment of Chemistry, Fudan University

Paper linkhttps://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2021/ay/d1ay00614b


8. [2021 IF=3.74] Cloning, expression, and function of ferritins in the tick Haemaphysalis flava.

Author: Yu Zhao, Lei Liu, Jin-Bao Liu, Cong-Ying Wu, De-Yong Duan, Tian-Yin Cheng

Marker: RTD6142 高分子量非變性電泳蛋白質Marker II(45-669 kD)

Journal: Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases. Volume 13, Issue 2, March 2022, 101892

InstitutionCollege of Veterinary Medicine, Hunan Agricultural University,

Paper linkhttps://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1877959X21002454


9. [2021 IF=0.886] Purification and Characterization of an Intracellular β-Glucosidase from the Protoplast Fusant of Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger

Author: F.M. Zhu, B. Du, H.S. Gao, C.J. Liu, and J. Lia

Marker: RTD6109 高分子量蛋白質Marker(43-200 kD)

Journal: Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2010, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 626–632

InstitutionCollege of Food Science and Technology, Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology

Paper linkhttps://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0003683810060116


10. [2021 IF=4.374] Effect of Fuzhuan brick-tea addition on the quality and antioxidant activity of skimmed set-type yoghurt.

Author: Dong Liu

Marker: RTD6103 低分子量蛋白質Marker II(14.4-116 kD)

Journal: International Journal of Dairy Technology, Vol 71 March 2018 Pages 22-33

InstitutionDepartment of Food Processing Technology, Anqing Vocational & Technical College

Paper linkhttps://doi.org/10.1111/1471-0307.12395


11. [2021 IF=3.7] Smart delivery of poly-peptide composite for effective cancer therapy

Author: Xin Yuan, Yingzhou Qin, Qingmei Tian, Cuijuan Liu, Xiangzhou Meng, Bo Qie, Fan Gao, Ying Huang, Guanghui Xu, Guang Yang, Yimin Zhu

Marker: Protein Marker

Journal: Biomedical Materials, 2022 Jan 24;17(2)

Institution:School of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, University of Science and Technology of China

Paper linkhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34996052/


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